
Framing 101 at Cross Gate Gallery

If you’ve ever wondered where to begin when framing an original work of art, what in the world is a “float frame”, or why is “museum glass” so expensive, tune in! Mollie and I took some of our favorite Well + Wonder art to Cross Gate Gallery in Lexington, KY for some framing tips from Design Director Linda Helton.

Watch to see an Amanda Norman floral beautifully complimented by stacked high gloss and matt frames, a Connor Heindel abstract on a thick canvas fit seamlessly into a deep float frame, and how a carefully chosen mat adds texture and enhances a work on paper.   

Cross Gate Gallery is a Lexington treasure most well-known for an unmatched collection of “Sporting Art” and appropriately founded in a community where horse racing is a way of life. The Framing Department boasts over 3,000 samples and a wide range of pricing options to fit any budget. 

We hope this video will give you a greater sense of confidence when making framing decisions, invest once and you will reap the rewards for a lifetime.  If you are seeking quality framing establishments like Cross Gate in your area, please reach out!

Linda’s Top Six Framing Tips:

  1. Stack frames to add dimension and color.Don't be afraid to mix finishes!
  2. A float frame is a great way to finish a piece and tie in color.
  3. Mix it up with a mat!Add texture by floating a work on paper over a braided rattan mat.
  4. If framing a pastel, make sure to incorporate glass.
  5.  Ask your framer to float original artwork away from the glass with a spacer.
  6. If you can afford it, museum quality glass might be worth the splurge!

 xx, Emily