
Deck the Walls with Eleanor Scott Davis

(photos by Katherine Johnson Photography)

With the holiday season upon us, rather than stress our “to do” lists, we’re choosing to delight in the beauty and festive cheer happening inside the Raleigh, NC home of the one and only Eleanor Scott Davis. An artist to her core, Eleanor Scott even painted the wrapping paper in the photo above in a similar palette to her painting on the wall. Read on for Eleanor Scott’s tips on how the artwork in your home can help you "Deck Your Walls" this music to our ears!

Rather than an elf on the shelf, consider a Derby on the shelf! In the photo above, Eleanor Scott's youngest daughter Derby lights up while holding baby Jesus and a donkey from her plush, colorful nativity set.  Notice how the bright colors in the nativity play off of the painting. They don't all match exactly, but there is some overlap, and clearly Derby's smile is the star here!

Three sweet sisters putting the finishing touches on a gingerbread house without a single piece of candy on the floor, a Christmas miracle! As your eyes make their way up this photo you'll see that the deep blue in Eleanor Scott's collage on the wall corresponds to the blue candle sticks on the table. Christmas cheer does not always come in red and green friends!

Notice how the two shades of green in the trees tie into the greens in the painting, and keep the blue in mind when checking out the photo below. The blue velvet ribbon Eleanor Scott used on her mantle, and to hang wreaths on her windows, was chosen to draw out the blue in this painting that hangs on the opposite side of the room. 

We can't forget about fresh cut flowers! Each bloom in the arrangement below was chosen to correspond with the colors in the painting. Even the composition of the painting and the arrangement complement each other, a match made in heaven around the holidays and throughout the year.  

We saved the dining room for last, a room where Eleanor Scott took inspiration from the painting behind her by Elizabeth Endres. The palette and subject matter in the painting influenced the entire table setting, from the ochre velvet ribbon tied around the light fixture to the table cloth and citrus center pieces!

Thank you for inviting us in your home Eleanor Scott, and merry merry to your three top models and helpers!! From all of us at Well + Wonder, we wish you a very happy, colorful holiday season! As always, we are HERE for all of your art related questions. 

xx, Emily