We are so excited to announce the next talented artist we are adding to the Well + Wonder line up... {drumroll please} meet Taelor Fisher!  Taelor is a painter based out of Dallas, Texas and y’all probably know her best by her gorgeous abstracted floral paintings.  When asked about her process, Taelor said: “I find great inspiration in the natural world, and consider flowers especially stirring. I expressively marry shapes, colors, and scents of my favorite blooms, which produce lush, colorful, and charmingly chaotic compositions. Every painting starts with flowers. But, it is then what intrigues me at the moment that helps the piece take shape. My paintings are not about ME. They are about where they might live. I want my work to be loved and cherished. Thus, my heart and soul is poured into each piece as I create.” We are so excited to share these special paintings with y'all and even more excited that we got to peek inside of Taelor's studio prior to her release! Read her answers to our rapid-fire interview questions below and be sure to shop her big release NOW LIVE in the Well + Wonder collection!



What is currently on your nightstand?

Oh, man.. there is a TON of stuff on my nightstand. I’m not proud of it!  I always have a stack of books that I am reading, my Ipad with the baby camera always on, and a giant glass of water. I couldn’t even tell you what else is on there because it is just so embarrassing… I need to clean.


Who is your biggest influence as an artist and why?

I have multiple influences in my life who are not necessarily artists. My cousin Kristen, who is a Vice President at Hershey is my biggest cheerleader and helps me think through my personal and business goals. One of my best friends who I have met through common interests, Taylor Miller, who owns Hazen & Co. Jewelry. It is so nice to have someone in a different industry than you and who is also building their business. I run almost everything by her and she tells it to me straight. I also am a member of a female-focused group called Collective Thirty-One. It is a collection of women from different industries bringing together their skills to support one another. It is fairly new, but they have already done SO much!


Tell us about your childhood. What is the most memorable moment as a young person?

I grew up as a theater kid in Dallas, TX! I grew up performing and played Annie Oakley in Annie Get Your Gun my senior year of high school. Between theater rehearsals and voice lessons, I was constantly creating. Whether it be learning how to sew or knit, drawing and scribbling in my notebooks, or terrorizing my mother by going through every drawer and cabinet in search of something to hot glue together. I had my “AHA” moment between my Junior and Senior years of high school when I had the opportunity to study abroad in Sienna, Italy. I was enchanted by the Italian culture and appreciation of history, in particular, the country’s history of art. I will never forget that trip because something clicked in me, and I decided that I wanted to foster the visual creativity that had been building up inside of me for years!


If you could only have one supply in your art studio, what would it be and why?

Golden Fluid Acrylics. I wouldn’t be able to survive without them! They are my absolute favorite art supply.


What is your favorite room in your house? Describe it.

Our family room is my happy place. I have finally created a painting for this room that I am happy looking at on a daily basis, and I have since decorated the entire room around it.


What is your biggest score online?

Most recently I have become dependent upon Amazon Fresh for any last-minute grocery buys! Haha!


What is the benefit of buying art through a collective? What do you recommend for those that are new to buying original art?

I love the idea of a collective because the word means a collaborative group, which can also mean community. I love working with the Well + Wonder collective because it is a set community of artists who are working just as hard as I am to get my work out there.


If you have the entire day to spend in an art museum, which one and why?

I would book a flight to NYC and head straight to the Brooklyn Museum of Art. When I studied at NYU this was my happy place. It was a great escape from the city. I think that BMA does an excellent job with their Education efforts! Everything is so well organized and thought through! They also have a fantastic range of work.


What is your favorite hotel and what makes it special?

I recently stayed at the Marlton Hotel on West 8th street in New York. I was there when I was there for a painting event with the House of Creed. The artwork alone displayed in the rooms was fantastic. I love the chic cozy feeling of my room and honestly did not want to leave when it was over. I will definitely be back.


If you were a lipstick color would you be red, pink, or clear and why?

I would be CLEAR! The only colors that I am comfortable wearing are my paint colors! I am a neutral girl through and through.


I can never get on a plane without….

A giant water bottle. I always try to catch a little nap during flights, so staying hydrated is always my top priority.


How did you get into the world of art?

My commission business is really what helped launch my career. It started out with friends asking for things here and there, then friends of friends, and then I was getting emails from people out of state. It was absolutely crazy how quickly it blew up, and I am thankful every single day to be able to get to do what I love.


What do you do to relax?

Well… having a 4-month-old and running a business doesn’t leave much time to prop my feet up- but Monday nights watching the Bachelor with a glass of wine is my favorite way to wind down.


When do you get the biggest surge of inspiration?

My work is inspired by flowers, so literally every time I see flowers. It's insane and gets to the point where I now carry a sketchbook at all times and am constantly having to clean out my phone photos because it is filled with flower (and baby) photos.


Prediction for the Color of 2019?

Living Coral!


What is your idea of a date night? Dinner and a movie or dancing all night?

Dinner and a movie at home. I am such a homebody, but I love it.


Tell us about your favorite painting that you have created.

I don’t have favorites. I really don’t. My work is constantly evolving, so I guess I would say that what I am creating at that time is my favorite. That is why I love my commission business. I have clients asking for styles from 2 years ago, and it makes me so happy to be able to recreate the style for them.


One piece of advice for buying original art?

Buy what you love, not what you think you should love. I adore my clients who use my artwork as a starting point for their room décor. It is such an honor to be a piece of a person’s home. Also, send us photos of your artwork displayed! Our work is very personal to us, and seeing them in their new homes is such an honor!