We are so excited to introduce another talented artist to our Well + Wonder line up - Lindsey J. Porter. We've been eyeing Lindsey's Abstracts and Continuous Line Botanicals for a while now and are so happy to finally announce that this artist has joined  Well + Wonder! Lucky for us, before her Well + Wonder debut, we were able to sneak into Lindsey's studio to ask her a series of rapid-fire questions, and she was such a sport. Read Lindsey's answers in the post below then help us in welcoming her to our roster by shopping her body of work in the collection!

What is currently on your nightstand? 

stacks of Books and books, and more books! 

Who is your biggest influence as an artist and why?

Well, I try really hard to keep to myself as far as my art goes, I don’t look at art when I’m creating and developing a series in order to try to be as original to my own vision as possible. I’m not sure I necessarily have an influence although some might see differently. The funny thing is I am an art collector too, but I really only shop for art when I’m not in the throes of creating. Generally, when I’m on a trip I look to buy.

Tell us about your childhood. What is the most memorable moment as a young person?

I grew up in a very creative household where on any given day, I was teaching my imaginary students, choreographing a dance routine, painting, designing clothes, dressing up our pets, writing poetry, or acting in a play that my musically talented brother wrote for us to perform for the neighborhood. I took acting classes, painting, piano, dance, pottery, theater and so on…I took to the arts early, needless to say. I started painting when I was probably about 8 and began my first apprenticeship for a professional artist at age 10. I have so many great memorable moments as a kid, but I guess the first that comes to mind is being taught how to (very innocently) prank call someone. ;D (Ahhh I can’t believe I’m even sharing this!) My mom had a really funny friend that spent a lot of time with us while we were growing up and he was really good at voices and impersonations and we used to prank call people! I always got the biggest kick out of that! old school fun… and on occasion, I still prank my friends. ;D

If you could only have one supply in your art studio, what would it be and why?

couldn’t choose just one. ;)

What is your favorite room in your house? Describe it.

My studio. It’s a mess right now! My walls serve as constantly rotating gallery walls. I have an antique dresser with deep drawers that hold a lot of my supplies & paints. I work off of a large easel and a work wall when painting on canvas and a 4’ x 8’ large drafting table on caster wheels when working with water based mediums. High ceiling and hardwood floors in an old historic home in Highland Park.

What is your biggest score online?

I once bought a beautiful little paper piece from an artist in Spain. His name is Edson Fernandez, and I actually found his work through Instagram, but I recommended him to someone recently but couldn’t find him (on IG).

What is the benefit of buying art through a collective?

What do you recommend for those that are new to buying original art? Buying art through a collective is great because it gives the buyer exposure to a variety of artists and makes it an easy avenue to explore more artists. I always say, buy what speaks to you.

If you have the entire day to spend in an art museum, which one and why?

My favorite museum is The Art Institute of Chicago but I haven’t been through ALL of the Louvre yet, so I would probably say the Louvre. It’s so expansive with so many works by all of the great masters; I could spend a week there!

What is your favorite hotel and what makes it special?

I don’t have a favorite just yet. ;)

If you were a lipstick color would you be red, pink, or clear and why? 

Red! I love red, it’s a pure color, fearless, and bold.

I can never get on a plane without….

a book, although I’ve actually integrated to the times and listen through Audible or podcasts, so my phone! 

How did you get into the world of art?

I was surrounded by the fine arts as a child and took lessons in most departments: acting classes, theater, dance, painting, pottery, music, film, and so forth. My parents are both creative and really encouraged me and my siblings to embrace our creativity from an early age. I always cared more about my art projects than studying for an exam. ;D

What do you do to relax?

When I’m really busy with work, I get acupuncture and a massage weekly and recently I’ve gotten back into meditation which helps clear my mind. in my downtime, I love getting together with friends, going on walks, and just being outside in nature.

When do you get the biggest surge of inspiration?

Hmmm…. I’m a water girl so I’ve always thought that I’m most inspired when I’m by water (at the beach or on the bay). I don’t know if that’s when I’m more inspired or if I just enjoy it. Inspiration comes when you least expect it.

Prediction for the Color of 2019?

Oh gosh, I have no idea. Blue? I’ve never really understood why they do a Pantone of the year. I guess for economic revenue. I don’t think colors come and go. They are colors. To me, color is timeless, but then again, I am an artist, not a decorator. When green was the Pantone of the year maybe this year even lol… I thought to myself, I never knew green was out! ;D haha, It’s all so silly.

What is your idea of a date night?

Dinner and a movie or dancing all night? All of the above. As long as I’m with the one I adore, it doesn’t matter really what we do.

Tell us about your favorite painting that you have created.

My favorite to date is a canvas painting that has hard edges, bold colors, and abstract palms in a pale coral color. It has sort of an Art Deco Miami/ Palm Beach vibe to it, which was not intended but I realized it after I finished the piece. It is currently hanging in my brother’s home over his mantle.

One piece of advice for buying original art?

I always say, buy what speaks to you. I found a painting in France last year from the late 1800s and fell in love with it. I went back and forth in my mind about it the whole trip. It was very large and NOTinexpensive so I held off. I regret it to this day. I would think Most artists create only one of a kind pieces so if a piece really captures you, snag it! :D