Introducing Guest Curator, Ansley Pridgen! Ansley is a woman of many talents. First and foremost she is the artist, and designer of eclectic stationery and lifestyle brand, allie & elle. After a stint in New York City working in the fashion industry Ansley, a Georgia native, moved back south to pursue her dream of owning her own business. Through long months of researching the paper industry and teaching herself the intricacies and nuances of multiple design programs, in 2015 Ansley launched her stationery and lifestyle brand, allie & elle. Three years later, allie & elle, is now sold in 300 stores throughout the country. Each design is painted and hand-lettered by Ansley with hopes to make the world brighter and colorful. Most recently, Ansley served as the Executive and Marketing Director at Cashiers Historical Society. We are thrilled to welcome Ansley as our latest guest curator.  See Ansley current Well + Wonder picks below as well as read more about her in our rapid-fire Q&A.

Ansley Prigen: I'm always inspired by bright colors and geometric shapes, which is why I’m drawn to these beautiful works of art by these talented Well + Wonder artists. I love structure, layers, and texture. I pay attention to the many details and colors that make up the whole design and I’m currently coveting these paintings by these incredible artists:

 Tell us about yourself.  

I’m a creative who loves spending time with friends and family, developing new ideas and helping others build their businesses. I love the south, movies, music, and the beach! I’m inspired by texture, colors and interesting details found in gorgeous fabrics, unique clothes and beautiful works of art. I’m also a combo of creativity and logic. I love a good spreadsheet and although I’ve painted my whole life, I have an accounting degree and love keeping things organized.
Why did you start your blog/brand/business?

I started out a few years ago designing stationery for my brand, allie & elle. I had just moved back to the South from New York and I always knew I wanted to have my own company. I love painting, so I began creating bright watercolors and printing them on stationery. Throughout these three years, I have learned so much about being an entrepreneur, going to trade shows, operating a business, growing in creativity and meeting many incredible fellow business owners. By spending time with them, I’ve realized one of my favorite things in the world is to sit with them and brainstorm ideas to help their businesses grow through creating opportunities for buzz. I have turned that passion into a new endeavor where I help entrepreneurs build their company through events, social media, a strong website, and cohesive brand imagery. I am also passionate about giving back to our communities, so one of my missions is to bring nonprofits and for-profits together for mutual benefit. I enjoy working on events for businesses that also involve an aspect of donating to a local charity so the event can help all parties involved.

If you have the entire day to spend in an art museum, which one and why?

Musee D’Orsay, no question. I love everything about Paris, and the Musee d'Orsay has incredible light, history, and intrigue. I love history and love that the museum is housed in a gorgeous Beaux-Arts train station. The famous clock where everyone takes photos feels like it could transport you into a different world. Also, the Musee d'Orsay houses the impressionists which is one of my favorite genres of art.

It is said to look for art that "makes your heart skip a beat." What aspects of art make your heart skip?

I am definitely drawn to color. When I see a unique color tucked into a small place on the canvas, I can’t help but fall in love with the piece. Some of my favorite surprise colors are chartreuse and periwinkle.

The greatest color combination that ever existed?

Pink and orange is my absolute favorite color combo! I think they perfectly complement each other and create a wonderful warmth that’s hard to express. Have you ever known anyone who doesn’t love to watch a beautiful pink and orange sunset?

The key to making a house a home? What does a home need more of and less of?

Every home needs the perfect sofa for all your friends and family to gather around. Growing up, our sofas always had to be “fluffed”, so now I’m a big believer in an easy and effortlessly comfortable living area. I also strongly believe in a very sunny and bright home. Sunlight automatically makes me happy, so every home needs more sun. I also believe that less is more when it comes to decor, so less clutter can make a space inviting, open, light and comfortable.