It's hot hot hot outside and our gallery walls are soon to be looking fire because the latest artist to join our growing roster, Katie Brown, launches in our collection TOMORROW! We've become fast fans of Katies's bright and bold floral paintings and are over the moon that come 10 am on June 27th, eight of her latest works will be hanging on our gallery walls and brightening our days. For those of you who don't know Katie, or her work, allow us to make the introduction. Katie grew up in Rome, Georgia and was raised by a family full of creatives. Her love for drawing and painting began at a very young age, and she went on to excel in advanced art classes at her alma mater, Darlington School. It wasn’t until college that Katie began taking commission requests from family and friends, and her love for painting turned into a successful “side hustle”. Many years later, thanks to a push from her supportive husband, she finally found the courage to leave her job in real estate and pursue a career in art. You can now find Katie painting in her home studio in Greenville, SC where she lives with her husband, son, and rescue hound. If y'all are like us and are currently counting the minuted until Katie's launch - might we distract you with some light reading? Get to know the artist behind the paint brush in our new artist interview Pardon Me, Katie Brown!

What is currently on your nightstand?

A shell bowl purchased in the Bahamas filled with gold jewelry, a monogrammed silver box from my great aunt Frances whom I am named after, a framed photo of me at age 3 playing the guitar with my dad, my favorite perfume, a bottle of children’s Tylenol (for my teething toddler, just in case) and an overpriced lip mask that I use religiously.

Who is your biggest influence as an artist and why?

As unoriginal as this answer may be, Van Gogh will forever be my biggest influence. My mother and grandmother have always celebrated my artistic abilities, and introduced me to all of the great impressionists at a young age. I used to pore over art history books filled with Degas, Monet, Matisse. But Van Gogh’s use of color, textured brush strokes, and whimsical representation of nature always stood out to me.

Tell us about your childhood. What is the most memorable moment as a young person?

I am the oldest of three girls, and grew up in a family full of creatives. We were all very different, but were also encouraged to embrace our unique interests and abilities. Along with guitar lessons, art lessons, and dabbling in musical theater, I also danced for 16 years. Dancing is the only thing in the world that I love as much as creating art. My most memorable moments were spent performing on a stage. I miss it every day!

If you could only have one supply in your art studio, what would it be and why?

Matte gel medium. I love adding it to my paint to get those thick layers on the canvas. The more texture, the better!

What is your favorite room in your house? Describe it.

My art studio! Our best friend built our home in 2022, and we designed the floor plan together. It is just a small sun-filled room right off of our kitchen, but it is so special to me. In the past, I have resorted to painting in sheds, garages, guest rooms, and basements. To have a room dedicated solely to creating, that is filled with natural light, is a dream come true!

What is your biggest score online?

My latest floral collection, Mini Blooms, sold out in 1 hour! I couldn’t believe it then, and still can’t get over it! Moments like that give me that much needed confidence to keep creating work that I love, and that is authentic to me.

What is the benefit of buying art through a collective? What do you recommend for those that are new to buying original art?

It is so refreshing to see a collective like W+W that represents a wide range of artists all with different styles, and at different stages in their art journeys. Buying original art should be FUN and exciting! Don’t buy a piece just because it matches your curtains or rug. Buy it because it speaks to you, and will bring you joy every time you look at it!

If you have the entire day to spend in an art museum, which one and why?

The d’Orsay in Paris is number one on my bucket list. I could die happy after seeing Monet’s Water Lilies in person.

What is your favorite hotel and what makes it special?

Barnsley Resort is hardly just a hotel, but it is one of my favorite places to visit. It is about 10 minutes from my parents’ home in Rome GA, and offers the best combo of country living and luxury. Whether I am going to shoot skeet on the clay course with my dad, to the pool and spa with my mom, listening to live music at the beer garden, or strolling around the ruins, it is a beautiful place to escape to!

If you were a lipstick color would you be red, pink, or clear and why?

RED! It is classic, but bold enough to make a statement. I consider red a neutral color, and will pair it with any and everything.

I can never get on a plane without….

My airpods.

How did you get into the world of art?

I have loved to draw and paint from a very young age. But my mother and grandmother are the ones who introduced me to the world of fine art, and I am forever grateful!

What do you do to relax?

Relaxing is admittedly something I am not very good at. I love to garden and work in the yard, and find it so therapeutic! But if I am really trying to relax, I am soaking in my tub and then watching trash TV. I am shamelessly Bravo obsessed.

When do you get the biggest surge of inspiration?

First thing in the morning! I am very much a morning person (as long as I am alone and no one talks to me before 9AM). I love to exercise early, and then get to work in the studio ASAP.

Prediction for the Color of 2025?

Chartreuse - just because I love it so much, and it deserves its time in the spotlight!

What is your idea of a date night? Dinner and a movie or dancing all night?

My husband and I are not great at sitting still, and have only ever seen 1 movie together in theaters. So dancing it is! 

Tell us about your favorite painting that you have created.

I don’t know if I could ever choose a favorite! My latest collection, In Bloom, is absolutely my favorite to date. I am so proud of this new work and feel as though I am really stepping into myself as an artist. 

One piece of advice for buying original art?

Again, it doesn’t have to “match” your house. Instead, it should match YOU and your personality! Art is the greatest form of self expression, and is meant to evoke emotion. Don’t buy it unless you have to have it. You will know when something speaks to you!