An empty mug of bedtime tea, a baby monitor and a large stack of clean clothes that will probably never be put away.
Who is your biggest influence as an artist and why?
I have always loved Georgia O’Keefe and Henri Matisse. Any art with shapes and colors… I haven’t really left kindergarten.
Tell us about your childhood. What is the most memorable moment as a young person?
Wow, big question… I always look back fondly summertime in Michigan while growing up. We would spend time throughout the year at our family cabin on the Au Sable river in the woods. As I get older, I find myself more appreciative of those moments. I enjoyed crafts and my mom would always have projects handy. There would be music in the house often and a wonderful coziness in the winter months.
If you could only have one supply in your art studio, what would it be and why?
A big fat sharpie marker - because big marks are fun
What is your favorite room in your house? Describe it.
I enjoy our kitchen! The ceiling is vaulted and opens up to our loft space above. There’s great light and I love how the kitchen is always a gathering place when people come over.
What is your biggest score online?
No idea

What is the benefit of buying art through a collective? What do you recommend for those that are new to buying original art?
Buying through a collective and can ensure an amount of confidence and quality of product. If you’re new to original art… congrats! It doesn’t have to be scary and you probably have a lot more wall space than you think. You can also buy something a lot bigger and bolder than you might think. I recommend you surround yourself with art that brings you joy, peace, and inspires you throughout your day. There’s definitely something special about buying an original piece of art because there is a certain energy each artist places within it and you’re also bringing that into your space.
If you have the entire day to spend in an art museum, which one and why?
Honestly, if I had an entire day to spends somewhere… it would just be outside and somewhere green. I like looking at other art, but all of that has already been done and I try to focus inward to create work that is true and meaningful to my life experience. I appreciate all sorts of art and often find myself paralyzed when choosing pieces to add to our home because there are so many I enjoy!
What is your favorite hotel and what makes it special?
Any hotel with an elevator because my 4-year-old loves that shit.
If you were a lipstick color would you be red, pink, or clear and why?
I’m more of a balm gal myself. Low maintenance and effective.
I can never get on a plane without….
Water. I hate being thirsty on a plane.
How did you get into the world of art?
I was always interested in art and admired my peers who could “draw well” when I was young. I decided to continue to keep taking art classes throughout high school and ended up earning my BFA in Printmaking from Saginaw Valley (MI) while playing volleyball. I was really torn on if I wanted to stay in the world of athletics are go down an art path. I actually ended up coaching for about nine years before returning to art full-time in 2019. Then, we had our daughter, Juniper, in 2020 and it just flowed well to keep creating while being there for her and our family. Motherhood has been a huge source of inspiration for my work.

What do you do to relax?
I have to make sure I move regularly. I workout 3-4 times a week and like to mix it up. I have always been an active person, was a college athlete and movement continues to be a big part of my life. I know it helps me relax and think clearer. Also, making art is a way I can crank up the jams and turn off other parts of my brain to focus on painting, carving, printing, etc whatever that day of making brings.
When do you get the biggest surge of inspiration?
If I haven’t had the chance to create in a while, I definitely get an itch to get going in the studio. I don’t know where I get the biggest surge, maybe as I’m working in the studio and working through ideas, but also just while out walking or day to day motherhood.
Prediction for the Color of 2025?
Something blue?
What is your idea of a date night? Dinner and a movie or dancing all night?
Haha well, right now it’s going somewhere comfortable with my husband where we can relax, have an uninterrupted meal, and be home by 7:30pm.
Tell us about your favorite painting that you have created.
My favorite painting is probably the first one I made to begin this recent style and series. I named in Thriving and it received a lot of positive responses. I decided to gesso over a previous painting and paint something I’ve always wanted to make. I guess I finally had the confidence to just go for something new and now I have this whole collection of paintings releasing on well + wonder and have made others that have sold and living their best lives.
One piece of advice for buying original art?
There are no rules. Stop worrying about what guests might think. Buy art that grabs you in whatever special way that is. When you support a living artist and buy something original, the impact it makes on others is priceless. We are human and meant to create, build, and connect. When you purchase original art it will always have value.