We first stumbled across the latest artist to join the Well + Wonder team on Instagram. We first fell in love with her work - specifically her florals and then after following along her upbeat, spunky, and happy personality. After connecting and chatting with this artist earlier this year we were delighted when she decided to join the Well + Wonder roster. Drumroll please...it is our absolute pleasure to introduce to y'all today...Janelle Martinez-Cruz! Janelle is a Cuban-American artist and designer is currently based out of Atlanta, Georgia. While her work ranges in subject matter, the inspiration behind her work comes from the memories and moments with her (big Cuban) family, nature, and the ocean. Follow Janelle and you are sure to be taken by her infectious personality and it is no surprise that she strives to paint a little bit of her spirit in all of her work by sharing her positivity, joy, and story through her art. It wouldn't be a Well + Wonder artist launch without a Pardon Me and this one is especially good! Get to know Janelle by reading her answers to our rapid-fire Q&A and be sure to set your alarms for Wednesday at 10 AM EST when her debut collection will land on our gallery walls! Until then, welcome Janelle!

What is currently on your nightstand?

 Currently I have my bible, a journal, and ‘The Rest Our Story” by Sara Dessen.

 Who is your biggest influence as an artist and why?

 I have a few great artists that influence me like, Monet, Blakely Little, and Fairfield Porter. They’re work is genuine to me. However, my family and nature have a huge impact on my work. Growing up with warmth, support, and creativity around me have shaped who I am. 

Tell us about your childhood. What is the most memorable moment as a young person?

 Like mentioned, I grew up with so much love. My family and friends were always creative and expressive. I am also Cuban so, I grew up with many dance parties, a colorful home, and joy. Because of this, I was able to embrace and feel supported as an artist. One of my most memorable moments was at the age of 15. My parents and friends helped and supported my first art gallery show.

 If you could only have one supply in your art studio, what would it be and why?

 This is so hard but, I’d probably keep oils in my studio. They are so relaxing to work with!

 What is your favorite room in your house? Describe it.

 I’d say the kitchen and dining room. It’s where my family and friends gather to talk, have fun, and enjoy meals.

 What is your biggest score online?

 This is so hard because I got addicted to online shopping when Covid hit. However, I recently purchased a beautiful guitar from Orangewood.

 What is the benefit of buying art through a collective? What do you recommend for those that are new to buying original art?

 You’re able to connect with the artist and truly appreciate the piece.

 I’d say start small and purchase what speaks to you even if it does not match your décor.

 If you have the entire day to spend in an art museum, which one and why?

Probably the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Contemporary art inspires me. They have amazing artists that showcase beautifully. Also, it’s New York!

 What is your favorite hotel and what makes it special?

 Golden Gate Queens Resort was a beautiful stay. I spent the week with family and friends in an apartment hotel about 100 feet away from the ocean.

 If you were a lipstick color would you be red, pink, or clear and why?

 I love wearing red. It makes me feel confident!

 I can never get on a plane without….

 A book & my puppy

 What do you do to relax?

 Taking a walk in Grant Park with Milo, my pup.

 When do you get the biggest surge of inspiration?

 When I’m home at the beach with family or when I visit the botanical gardens.

 Prediction for the Color of 2023?

 Hopefully pink or sage. But, they’re my favorite color so…

 What is your idea of a date night? Dinner and a movie or dancing all night?

 I love to eat out with friends and enjoy a movie. I also love Jen’s Ice cream date!

 Tell us about your favorite painting that you have created.

 It would probably be “Repair”. This painting is about healing. It’s okay not be okay but, it’s important to allow yourself to heal. Definitely easier said than done but, possible.  

 One piece of advice for buying original art?

 I’d say try and read upon the piece if they have a story and choose what feels right.