Sarah Ramsey
You can find Sarah in her garage studio in Montgomery, Alabama. Most of the year with all the doors and windows open.
Acrylic, gouache, oil, and charcoal
Sarah was born into a family of artists and educators, where from an early age creativity and art were encouraged. After graduating from the University of Alabama, working in corporate marketing and starting her family, the need for a creative outlet grew. First painting just for herself, then for close friends and family, she soon began receiving commissions from collectors and designers. What began as a weekend hobby quickly became a full-fledged passion. Interior design, nature, and colors found in everyday life inspire Sarah’s art. She is an instinctual painter, not knowing the outcome of a painting until multiple layers are built and a harmonious and balanced composition is found. Sarah lives in her hometown of Montgomery, Alabama with her husband, two children, new puppy and a bobtail cat.