Maddie Cratch
Maddie creates her collages in her laundry room turned home art studio
Collage with mixed media paper, wallpaper, acrylic paint, and watercolor with a multidimensional aspect
Maddie is a lover of color, texture and funk. She began collage and multidimensional art out of an admiration for all the inspiring wallpaper designs she received when attempting to decorate their home. She could not let her leftover wallpaper samples go to waste, so she began to repurpose them to recreate unique, joyful, fun collages. Maddie enjoyed all mediums of art growing up, but after finding her passion for collage she has reduced her hours as a speech language pathologist in order to stay at home with her children and to pursue her passion as an artist. Maddie is originally from Charlotte, NC, but now resides in Greensboro, NC with her husband (Robert), dog (Ellie) and three children (Lucy, Carson and Luke).